
The broadside initiative, a special project of Moon in the Rye Press, is funded by fellowship monies, granted to Lisa Bickmore from the Academy of American Poets fund for poets laureate for the 2023-24 year. The project reached out directly to primary and secondary school classes, with the aim of creating broadsides centered on the Great Salt Lake and, more broadly, watersheds throughout Utah. The Arts Education staff of the Utah Division of Arts and Museums supported outreach to teachers around the state. Funds from the fellowship allowed for the purchase of two Provisional Presses, as well as materials and supplies for making monoprints with students. During visits to classes in the San Juan, Davis, Salt Lake, Murray, Granite, and Emery school districts, the poet laureate worked with students to shape poems in response to the water locations and conditions near them, and assisted students in devising print matrices from which to make broadsides, combining digital printing with ink monoprinting. This gallery is an exhibit of the work these students made.

Special thanks to the teachers of these students, who were the truest collaborative partners: Sunny Magee (Davis High School); Lisa deFrance (Wasatch Elementary); Jeanne Simpson (Grant Elementary and MacMillan Elementary); Ren Hatt (Green River High School); Georgiana Simpson (White Horse High School). 

Teachers interested in bringing this initiative to their classrooms can contact Lisa Bickmore through

Explore student broadside galleries by school.

Davis High School Broadsides

Wasatch Elementary School Broadsides

Grant Elementary & McMillan Elementary Broadsides

Green River High School Broadsides

White Horse High School Broadsides