
The chapbooks linked on this page represent work from writers around Utah. Moon in the Rye Press seeks to create publication opportunities for authors for authors and writing groups across the state of Utah. Publication is a meaningful part of a writer’s artistic and creative life, and beyond that, within the life of a writing community, as it creates expanded opportunities for circulating written work. These works in circulation then enrich our community by connecting local writers with local readers. 

Authors and writing groups working with Moon in the Rye Press can expect manuscript consultation, intellectual and creative support in revision and shaping of the manuscripts, collaborative decisions about layout and design, and copyright ownership of the finished works, as well as ownership of the digital files. 

NOTE on copyright: the authors whose work is linked on this page own copyright for these texts. Beyond fair use, any sharing of these works requires permission from the author(s). If you have questions, please contact the Press at

Explore our chapbook library below: